Canes are used for balance or to assist with mobility after an injury. They are available in all shapes, sizes and colors. It is important to buy a cane that is properly fitted, comfortable and is easy to use.
The cane should be the right size and comfortable to use. Some canes are adjustable while others are not. The Cane that is too long is harder to lift and takes more effort to use while the cane that is too small could make a person lean over and put one off balance.
If there are no physical limitations then the best way to fit the cane is to hang the arm straight down at your side, the top of the cane should come to the crease in the wrist and there should be a 30 degree angle (bend) in the elbow.
Choose a grip that is comfortable and easy to use, unless specified by a physiotherapist for a particular reason. There must not be any pain, numbness or undue pressure in the fingers or hand.
Rubber tips are used to provide traction and should be replaced if there is any wear showing. Metal Ice tips are available to provide added traction for icy conditions. Ice tip is normally attached to the cane and then folds over the rubber tip and then when indoors they fold back in place.
If it is to provide balance then one can use it in either hand. Always move it in unison with the opposite leg. If one holds it in right hand then move the left leg and the cane at the same time and then move the right leg and then repeat. In this instance move the cane only with the left leg.
If there is injury in one of the legs then hold it in the opposite side. The cane moves in unison with the injured leg. If there is injury in the left leg then hold the cane in the right hand and move the cane and the left leg at the same time then move the right leg and then repeat. This will provide support to the injured leg.