

Iron is necessary for the maintenance of good health. It helps to form red blood cells. It prevents iron anemia (shortage of iron).


Symptoms of Deficiency

It is a common nutrient deficiency. The groups at risk are infants under 2 years of age, teenage girls, pregnant women, and the elderly.


Tiredness, lethargy, irritability, shortness of breath, poor health, anemia, low blood hemoglobin.


Causes of Deficiency

Poor diet or restricted diet (vegetarians), diminished iron absorption or utilization; blood loss- excessive menstrual blood loss, other causes of blood loss include bleeding from peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, and donating blood; or a combination of factors, pregnancy, lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.


Natural Sources

Yeast, clams, liver (beef), meat, poultry, whole grain, enriched bread, green vegetables, beans, pecan, almonds.


Discuss the dosage and duration of use with the pharmacist before taking the medication. It can be taken with other medications for other conditions on the advice of a pharmacist or a doctor.



Health Canada has recommended a minimum and a maximum daily requirement for folic acid:


Minimum dose is 4mg for adults.


Upper limit for infants:

  • 0-12 months-40mg/day of iron

Upper limit for children:

  • 1-13 years - 40 mg/day of iron
  • 14-18 years - 45 mg/day of iron

Upper Limit for Adults:

  • 19 years and older-45 mg/day of iron


  • 14-18 years - 45 mg/day of iron
    19-50 years - 45 mg/day of iron



If serious overdosage then contact the poison control center or emergency room. If you miss a dose then take it as soon as remembered, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose, and go back to the regular dosing regimen. If taken an extra dose by mistake then contact the pharmacist or a doctor.


Some of the symptoms of overdosage include dizziness, constipation, headaches, shortness of breath, weight loss, damage to the intestinal lining, liver failure, and shock



Tell the pharmacist/doctor if pregnant or planning to become pregnant or if breast feeding.


Possible Side Effects

When starting to take any new medication, if one notices any side-effect, contact the physician or pharmacist:


Constipation, headaches, shortness of breath, weight loss, tiredness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, especially when dosage is 60mg/kg.



This is not an all inclusive list, discuss it with the pharmacist: 

Antacids containing magnesium and aluminum, cimetidine, isoniazid, anabolic steroids, tetracycline, minocycline, levodopa, oral contraceptives, phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, indomethacin, aspirin, vitamin C.



Store medication in a safe place at room temperature; away from heat, light and moisture. Do not store in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink or on top of the fridge. Out dated medications must be returned to the pharmacy for safe disposal.



Tell the pharmacist/doctor your complete medical history.


One must inform the pharmacist or doctor if taking any prescription medication, over the counter medication, herbal or alternative medications before starting any new medication, food supplement, herb or vitamin.